Sunday, August 25, 2013

Grandpa Visits

Tickle Fight

 Crown Made and Designed by Dagan

Playdough Cupcakes to Celebrate Babies' Birthdays


Grandpa Loves Chocolate Cheesecake

Reward For No More Night Pull-

Lots and Lots of Chess

 Water Park at Granville Island

Bird Photography by Sage

Lollipops- Fuel for Walking Home Across the Bridge

Planting Potato Sprouts

Playing Chess at White Spot Against Grandpa

We had so much fun with Grandpa! We went to Playland and rode the roller coaster and the huge slide, ate lots of ice cream and candy, had tickling matches, watched Adventure Time and Lord of the Rings and went to the library. We went for bike rides and to playgrounds, ate at White Spot twice, went to the the Wild Life Thrift Store and got a new toy shelf and ate chocolate cheesecake- Grandpa's favorite. We played at Granville Island, planted sprouting potatoes, made crafts, played a ton of board games and listened to Grandpa tell stories. Grandpa watched us for a few nights while mom and dad got to eat gourmet dinners, stay in a hotel and have conversations with other adults. Thanks for coming out to visit us Grandpa!


  1. Loved seeing all these pics! Looks like you had a lot of fun with grandpa! Do you have any pics from your gourmet dinners? hehe. I guess it's grandma's turn next!

    1. Thanks! We had a blast. I hope he had a great time with us as well. We don't have any pictures of food. Are you going to cook for us when we visit?
