Monday, February 10, 2014

Weekly Baking Project: Hedgie Cookies

Dagan helped me to make these cute little hedgehog cookies. First we made a basic shortbread recipe and shaped the cookies into an oval with a point at one end. Then after the cookies were baked and cooled, we dipped them in melted semisweet chocolate and sprinkled them with crushed walnuts. To make the faces we dotted melted chocolate with a chopstick for the eyes and glued on chocolate covered quinoa with the melted chocolate for the nose. They were so adorable they were hard to eat.

Friday, February 7, 2014


I believe that it is important for the boys to sign up for 3 extracurricular lessons each season. They are able to choose what interests them most. Sometimes they sign up for different classes due to their age or their interests. During this time I get to spend one on one time with them working on academics. This way they are focused and able to concentrate on their writing and math skills.  It is important that they make friends with kids around their own age, listen and learn from adults who are not me, acquire new skills, and expend energy.

This winter Dagan is continuing chess lessons at Vancouver Chess School. Sage is taking tennis and multisport at the Roundhouse Community Centre. They are both taking indoor soccer at the Roundhouse and sword play with other homeschoolers at Academie Duello.

In previous seasons they have taken gymnastics, chess, and swimming.

 Sage at Tennis

 Sword Play

Sage at Multisport (Hockey)