Friday, October 14, 2016

New Zealand Fauna

New Zealand Kingfisher

New Zealand Red Admiral

Red- Billed Gulls

Eurasian Blackbird

Stick Insect

Brown Garden Snail

Wellington Tree Weta


Baptisia Weevil

 Buff- Tailed Bumble Bee

Ashy- Grey Slug

Jumping Spider

Longhorn Beetle

Spring Break

Hiking the Southern Walkway

Melrose Park

Samuel and Dagan

Duck Photos by Dagan

Zoo with James and Duje

Friendly Kangaroos

Red Panda 

It was a busy two weeks of spring break. Despite being sick on and off, we still managed to do a lot. Highlights include...

-Climbing in the tunnels and launching balls out of air guns at Chipmunks

-Going to playgrounds- Newtown, Melrose, and Sinclair

- Playdates with friends

- Finding sea glass at Balaena Bay

- Baking treats

- Crafting sea glass swords

- Bouncing on trampolines at Uptown Bounce

- Latch hooking a pillow

- Jigsaw Puzzles

- Jurassic Park movies

- Reading Harry Potter books

- Going to the zoo twice

- Getting ice cream at the dairy on the last day of school

- Riding scooters down the hill

- Hiking the Southern Walkway

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Latch Hook Pillow

Sage made this latch hook pillow during spring break. It took him two weeks to complete.

Sea Glass Swords

School Disco

The boys had fun lighting up the night at the Houghton Valley School disco. There was dancing, D.J.'s , sausages to eat and glowing things to buy.