Saturday, May 30, 2015

International Childrens' Festival

We went to see the show Les Parfaits Inconnus at Granville Island. The boys had so much fun. It was full of cool music, acrobatics, and humor. The scene on the left of the picture shows Sage's favorite part. Dagan really liked the bicycle tricks. Afterward we ate lunch at the Public Market, bought lots of raspberries and cherries and had treats at the Kids Market.

Minecraft Drawings

Wolf- Sage

 Pig- Sage

Creeper- Dagan

Creeper- Sage (Pastels)

Enderman- Sage

Ghast- Dagan

Chicken- Sage

Original Lego Creations

Drivers Beware

August bought a racing game with a steering wheel and pedals. Sage took to it right away. He can't wait till he's 16 and can drive. He wants to buy a truck preferably a Toyota Tundra.

Science World Homelearners

Animal Grossology- looking through owl vomit for bones

Elasticity- Making and Testing Catapults

Solar System- Sun, Earth and Moon

Solar Energy- Solar Color Changing Bead Bracelet

Balloons- Made Balloon Cars

Animation Exhibit

Plants We Eat- Seed Growing Project

Illusions- Bird on Branch Project

We finished a whole year of the Science World Homelearners program.  We really enjoyed riding scooters to Science World, shooting water at the Hydro exhibit, touching fossilized dinosaur poop, watching cool videos about science, playing skee ball in the human body exhibit, and buying another mining minerals kit. It wasn't so much that the classes were fun for the boys, it was more that they inspired future conversations on the topics. They didn't enjoy speaking up, sitting in a large group of children, and working in teams.

Kids Baking- Stained Glass Cookies and Biscuit Sandwich Cookies

I borrowed Martha Stewart's Cookie Book from the library this month. The boys picked out a type of cookie they wanted to bake. Sage chose the stained glass cookies. Since the book showed tree shaped cookies and it is not Christmas, he picked flowers, hearts and stars instead. We used the linzer cookie cutters for the centers. Crushed jolly rancher candies were used for the centres in grape, cherry and blue raspberry.
Dagan chose biscuit sandwich cookies filled with chocolate ganache. The tops were brushed with a mixture of egg yolk and heavy cream, giving them a golden color.

May The Fourth Be With You

Baked Wookie Cookies

Star Wars Academics

We celebrated May the 4th this year by doing homeschooling the Star Wars way.