Sunday, August 25, 2013

Arts and Crafts by Sage in August

Blow Painting With Tempera

Flag of the Country of Sage

Hat Painted with Acrylics

Sword and Shields

Made a Picture Book

Drew Cars

Magical Rings

Haunted House- Spooky Moons, Stars and Bats

Magic Wand

Sage loves to make all kinds of arts and crafts projects. He does well at cutting with scissors, gluing, coloring and painting. His work tends to be symmetrical and full of color. He doesn't mind getting a little messy and will help with the clean up afterward.

Grandpa Visits

Tickle Fight

 Crown Made and Designed by Dagan

Playdough Cupcakes to Celebrate Babies' Birthdays


Grandpa Loves Chocolate Cheesecake

Reward For No More Night Pull-

Lots and Lots of Chess

 Water Park at Granville Island

Bird Photography by Sage

Lollipops- Fuel for Walking Home Across the Bridge

Planting Potato Sprouts

Playing Chess at White Spot Against Grandpa

We had so much fun with Grandpa! We went to Playland and rode the roller coaster and the huge slide, ate lots of ice cream and candy, had tickling matches, watched Adventure Time and Lord of the Rings and went to the library. We went for bike rides and to playgrounds, ate at White Spot twice, went to the the Wild Life Thrift Store and got a new toy shelf and ate chocolate cheesecake- Grandpa's favorite. We played at Granville Island, planted sprouting potatoes, made crafts, played a ton of board games and listened to Grandpa tell stories. Grandpa watched us for a few nights while mom and dad got to eat gourmet dinners, stay in a hotel and have conversations with other adults. Thanks for coming out to visit us Grandpa!

Vancouver Public Library

Prizes From the End of Summer Reading Party

Medals- Are they gold or bronze?

Pictures Taken By Librarian at the Lego Party

Every week we go to the library. The boys have their own library cards now. Some of their favorite things to do at the library are

- return books and watch the books travel on the conveyer belt

- ride the elevator

- borrow Captain Underpants, Super Diaper Baby, and Star Wars books

-play a few games of chess

-attend the Lego Party- where thousands of legos are scattered on the floor and the kids make their own creations

-going downstairs and watching where the books are checked in and sorted by the librarians

This summer the boys participated in the summer reading program. On the very last day there was a party where the boys received free books, made their own bookmarks and buttons, got to choose their own balloon animals, decorated cake pops and received special medals. Almost all the books on their reading list were written by Dav Pilkey.