Thursday, December 11, 2014

State of the Month: Hawaii

Volcano by Sage


Bella's Birthday

Playing Catan with Uncle Wes


Bishop Museum Hawaiian Hall

We studied Hawaii while in Canada and then went to Hawaii for two weeks to spend visit our ohana. Some things we did were...

- Watched a video about the life of Kamehameha
- Talked about the different islands
- Listened to Hawaiian music and watched hula dancers
- Learned the words "Mahalo", "Aloha", "Ohana", "Keiki", "Tutu"
- Listened to Mom sing songs about Hawaiian numbers and colors, Jingle Bells, Silent Night and Hawaii Pono'i, and Hawaii Aloha
- Visited the Bishop Museum and saw a show at the planetarium on how the Polynesians  navigated their canoes by the stars
- Read a book about President Obama
- Read the story "Punia and the Sharks"
- Ate shave ice, spam, kulolo, mochi, Kahuku corn, papayas, apple bananas and other local foods
- Planted sunflowers in Grandma and Grandpa's yard
- Climbed in the lychee tree
- Observed various Hawaiian birds
- Helped Grandma and Grandpa rake, weed and take care of island flora
- Received leis at the airport

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