Sunday, July 28, 2013


We are homeschooling using a blend of different methods- child led learning, montessori, and unit studies. Though I'm not ready to switch over to unschooling, I do find some aspects of it appealing. Such as letting go some struggles over control, having them learn naturally and follow their bliss, not worrying so much, and giving them time to explore what they love in depth instead of cutting it off at a certain time. There will be days filled with lots of activity and days filled with little, no disciplining and more learning. No bribery or systems of rewards. More cooperation and working as a family unit rather than a hierarchy.

The book about unschooling says that if children are allowed as much screen time as they want then they will use it a lot some days and not at all on other days. There will just be a period of adjustment where they binge on it if they have had it restricted. We limit screen time to early mornings before the adults wake up and one hour before dinner time and it has to be chess or educational. Lately it has been all chess so I've instituted that half of the time be educational.

We watch one new educational T.V. show per week and if they decide they like it, they may watch it for educational screen time. We have seen Cyber Chase, Berenstain Bears, and the Magic School Bus so far. But the book mentions that T.V. shows we deem as non educational can have educational values and lead into conversations and research into a variety of topics.

Am I ready to let go of having a schedule yet? Should I have them help with chores when they want to because they want to and not as a rewards system? Shall I do away with timeouts? Shall I treat them more like regular people as opposed to children? These are some of the questions that come to mind when I consider unschooling. I think I'm ready to dip a toe in the waters but not to jump in just yet.

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